Saturday, August 25, 2012

How do I end the twin soul separation and struggle phase?

Even though you have met your twin soul, there are no guarantees that everything will work smoothly from that day on. (Luckily, there?s also no guarantees that it won?t!) The separation phase is often explained by karmic debt, but we have a different idea on that. This post applies to both twin souls who have already met and those who haven?t met yet.

The old school new age teaches that to make it possible for twin soul couples to be together, they have to be free of all karma. That is a troublesome concept for two reasons. One has to do with non-automatic reincarnation which makes karma unnecessary, secondly, and more importantly, if you look at twin soul couples who are happily together? Do we trust all of them have ?made good? all their bad deeds? I can?t even begin to imagine the amount of bad karma the normal smugness of having found your twin soul the thinking pattern ?this is the reward for my good deeds and high soul age level? would rake up. Your twin soul isn?t a reward for good behaviour or ?enlightenment?, you better get away from that thinking because it?s simply not healthy. If you understand karma in the context that you don?t exactly have to do anything to clear it, but just ?live it through? this makes you sit and wait for some indefinite time frame until you feel it?s right? Or not.

What happens has everything to do with psychology and the law of attraction. If you understand the basis of the law of the attraction, in short, in this context, it can be summed up as ?you get what you believe you deserve?. If deep down you think that you don?t deserve to be loved, the settling karma -thinking would allow you to get around it by ?I have now suffered enough to deserve happiness in the end.? Your time would be better spent on self-improvement, self-empowerment, and clearing your mind from defeating attitudes and negativity. You don?t need to do this in the context of twin souls, but any normal psychologist will be able to help you here. If you are not that way inclined, any life coaching resource might help you, self-help books and simple self-reflection as to what are the reasons that you feel your twin soul doesn?t, can?t or won?t love you, or why you can?t find him in the first place. (It sounds like a different thing if you have met your twin or not but both situations are related. If you haven?t met your twin soul yet, it?s simply because you believe things like this don?t happen to people like you.)

?Get ready for love? does sound a lot simpler than ?align myself with my twin soul? doesn?t it? When you think about it this way, you may have a bit of a chuckle. We do like to mystify things, don?t we? :p The truth is that the twin soul relationship is mysterious and complicated enough as it is, we don?t need to complicate it further. I believe the mystification comes from the need to explain to others that ?my love is bigger than your love?, and although all of us know the difference when it?s your true twin, we also know that people who haven?t experienced this have absolutely no clue. Sorry I am rambling.

What we must do for ourselves before our twin soul relationship can work we need to get rid of any insecurities, doubt and bitterness we might harbour. These things don?t obstruct normal relationships because we are not as afraid of screwing it up and being told that we are no longer loved. There?s nothing more mysterious to it than that. The twin soul connection will freak out even the most confident of us, and put us face to face with our own failures. We must work on our self-esteem, to learn exactly what is keeping us from either giving love or accepting love. Please note that if one of you is perfectly fine with who they are, the other one will have SO MUCH EASIER TIME accepting your relationship even if they hadn?t worked on their issues yet. This happens, because a person who is happy within themselves will never have to retort. They can take rejection, blow ups, fuck ups and all the fury of Hell from their twin flame and not blink, and unless the twin soul is absolutely torn to pieces by their personal experiences, this is usually enough to keep them together and the hurting twin will be able to heal themselves with the help of the whole one.

To fast track your own healing, it would be a great idea to seek counselling from a relationship life coach or a psychologist. These are very practical solutions to what seems to be a mysterious problem but really isn?t. Remember that all-consuming love is not the privilege of only those who hold new age beliefs. There is also nothing telling that you shouldn?t seek couple?s therapy if you are struggling to hold onto each other.

For the cheap, ;) the DYI folk and those who like things mysterious, you need to be very courageous in looking into your own psyche and finding out your own issues for yourself. I would highly recommend you contacting your soul and ask help in clearing out your internal drama. If you ask this, remember that the answers you hear will be what you NEED to hear, not what you want to hear, and even if it didn?t make sense, keep going and TRY to make sense out of it. I would suggest the pendulum for this as a tool.


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